Saturday, December 24, 2011


I wish  everyone  else  a very   Merry  Christmas and  happy  time  with  your  family, friends and  relatives.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Testing a new version of blog.

I am  trying  to  test  this  new  version of   blog  if  it  deserves  my    favor  or  not. I  need  something   that  is  more  colorful,  more  attractive  and  appealing  to everyone,  where ever  they  are. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


There  are little  eyes  upon  you  and  they  are  watching  night  and day.  There  are  little  ears   that  quickly  take  in  every  word  you   you say.  There  are  little  hands   all  eager  to do  anything  you do;  And  a little  boy   who is   dreaming   of  the day he will be  like  you.

You are  the  little  fellow's  idol,  you  are  the  wisest  of  the wise.  In  his  little  mind about  you  no  suspicions  ever rise.   He   believes  in  you  devoutly,  holds   all   that   you  say  and  do; He  will  say  and  do,   in  your  way,  when  he's  grown  up  like  you.

There's a wide-eyed  little  fellow who  believes  you are  always  right;  And  his eyes  are always  opened,  and  he  watches day  and  night.  You  are  setting   an  example everyday  in  all   you do, for  the  little boy  who's  waiting  to  grow  up  to  be like you.~~  The moral compass.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


This  is  to dedicate to  all   Mothers  out  there   who are   really  Heroes   and Angels for caring  us,  siblings.  When  you  wake up  in  the morning, say   Thank  you  to  your  Mom.  She is/was  the  only  person   who  nurtured  you, cared  you,  washed  your dirty  hands and feet  when  you were  in  the 4's( Crawling  stage), but  you  never  say  thank  you  to  your Mom. You  may as  well  urinated  her food, soiled  her food,  messedup her   things- that's  in  terrible 2's,  and  you  never  say  thank  you  to  her.   You  should   appreciate  her  and validate her  job   of  raising  you   to  be  where  you  are now.  She  is/was  your role model, a Rock star,  Superstar, and  of  inspirational and  then...

Go to sleep  upon  my  breast, all  the  world   is  sleeping.  Till   the morning's   light   you will  rest,  Mother  watch   is  keeping.

Birds  and  beasts   have  closed   their  eyes,  all  the world  is  sleeping.  In  the  morning  the  sun  will rise, Mother  watch  is  keeping.


I  bet  you  like  halloween.  I am  actually  heading  to  the  store  to buy  the  halloween's  custums.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What do you do on the weekend?

Well,  some  of   us  are  ever  busy   trying  to   make  ends   meet.  I,  myself,  was  working  today   and  I am  now  tired  as  hell.  I  am  now  going  to  bed   and   I  wish   you  all   a  blessed  weekend. Sorry.  I  will  write   more  latter. I  can't   see  the  screen  well, though, my eyes  are too  exhausted  I felt it, I   can  only  see   your  smile  crlearly.
Thanks  for  smilling,  though.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What do you think?

Do  you     live  to work  or  you work  to live?

Fortunato: Hi, there!

Hi, there!

I  sincerely  believe  that  you  had a marvelous day  at work this  morning.  It's  always  best  thing  to  start a day  with   a positive attitude,  a positive- mental  a ttitude   will  boost  your  energy.  Be civil  to everyone.   Smile  to the world,   be couageous, take control  of  your live, no one  is ontop  of you, it's  just you,  you and yourself.

Follow  your  passion  and  persue  your deams. Play  the game,  be agamechanger, transform  yourself  into something  useful, and  do  something  of  yourself.  Why not?   you  can  even   congratulate yourself,  kiss  your own self,  love  your own self, celebrate your self's  achievement  in  your  own  term.   "Love  your neighbor  as  you  love  yourself", is  the bible  verses about  loving  yourself.  That's  true  to the  text,  the bible  tell  me so...

So  then, I rest here.... let  me know   what  you  think   we   share  please.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Here  is  a fine story  for  a  discussion  about  the  division of  labor  between  husbands  and wives. It's also good  reading for  expectant  fathers  in the waiting  room.  The tale comes from  Kenya, east  Africa.

  A husban  decided  he  did  not  want  to live  with  his wife  any longer and  made up  his  mind to divoce her.  But the couple  had  a newborn son, and both  father and mother  wanted  to  keep  the  child, so  they  went  before judge.
The  woman  spoke first.
"I bore  this  child  for nine months," she  pleaded."I nurse him at  my  breast, I sing  to him  in  my  lap, I rock  him to  sleep in  my arms every night.  I  hold  him when  he cries, and I tend him  when he is sick.  I am  with  him  night and day, and love  him more than my own life.   Let me keep  him".

Then  the  man  spoke.
"I gave  the  seed   that   grew  into  this  child," he said. "Therefore the child  is  mine.  I  should  be able to keep  it if  I  want."
The judge  looked at the man. "So you gave the seed,  you say" he asked.
"That's  right," the man  said proudly. "One  little seed was all it took."
   "I  see," said  the  judge. "So the father gives the seed,  and the  mother carries  and feeds  the child. In  that case, I think I can make  a ruling   in this  matter.  But   first we  must  have  some  scales."
    He  called  for  a pair  of  scales  and  ordered  the  infant  to be  weighed.

"This   child weighs  nine pouds," the  judge said to  the father. "If  you  gave just  one  seed to make him, it stands to  reason your  wife  has given nine  pounds  minus  the  weigh of  one  grain of seed. So if  you  want  the  child,  you  must pay   your wife  for  nine pounds worth of food."

The  husband  stared   at  the judge as  if he  were in the presence  of  lunatic.  "Wait, I 'm  not  through," the judge said."We  also  need  to  consult  a baggage carrier."   A baggage carrier  was  summoned.  "How  much  do  you  charge to carry  a burden for  someone?" the judge asked.

"A coin  a day for evey  pound I carry," he  answered.  "Very  good,"  the  judge said.  "we  will figure  that  the woman carried  one  pound  during the first  month she was  with  child, ending  with  nine  pounds  by the ninth month she was with child. So for  nine months' work  of  carrying  the  child, at  a coin per pound  every day,  she  earned  nearly  fourtheen  hundren  coins.   The  husband  must pay  her  fourteen  hundred coins for carrying  his burden  for  him."

The  husband  looked   wide eyed  at  the judge.  "One  other  thing,"  the  judge said."If  it took  this  much  work  just  to  bring  the child   into  the world,  think  how  much  it  will  take  to raise it."  The  man   stood silent, beginning  to  understand  for the  first  time.  "I see  now, judge," he said at last. "Now  I will  start to take  some  of  the  burden  from  my  wife, so  that  we  might    make  the scales balance."

The Japaness

How courteous  is  the  Japaness; he  always  says, "excuse it, please".  He climbs  into  his  neighbor's  garden,  and smiles,  and  says, " I beg your  pardon",  and  he bows   and grins  a friendly grin,  and  calls   his  hungry  family  in;  he  grins and bows a friendly
bow "So   sorry, this is  my  garden now".      

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Your mission( Collected story).

We can go into  the  world  with  this  certainty: There is  much  worthwhile  work  waiting for every one of us. But  we  must   go to it.  And  when   we  take  it up,  we  should   remember  these words from  Ecclesiastes: "Whatsoever thy  hand findeth to do, do it  with  thy might".

If you  cannot   on  the  ocean,  Sail  among the swiftest  fleet, rocking  on  the  highest billows, laughing  at  the  storms  you  meet, you  can  stand  among  the sailors,  Anchored  yet within  the bay; you can  lend a hand  to heldp  them,  as  they  launch  the boats  away.

If  you   are too  weak to journey Up  the mountain, steep  and high, you  can stand within the valley, while the multititude go by.   You  can  chant  in happy  measure, as they  slowly  pass a long;  though  they may forget the singer, they  will  not  forget  the song.

If  you  have not gold  and  silver ever ready  to command,  if  you  cannot  toward the needy  reach and  an ever-open  hand, you  can visit  the  afflicted, O'er  the  erring  you  can weep;  you can  be  a true  disciple  sitting  at the Saviour's feet.

If  you  cannot  in  a conflict  prove yourself a soldier true,  If   where the  fire  and smoke are thickest  there is  no  work for  you  to do, when the battlefield  is  silent,   you can  go  with  careful tread;  you can  bear away the wounded,  you can cover up the dead.

My best teacher used to like arts, music, and composed his own song as well.

Here goes;  we  are  one, we  are  one,  from  Uganda  we are  one,  from  Ethiopia  we are  one,   from Tanzania  we are  one, from  Kenya we are  one,  from  Zaire(now Democratic  republic of  Congo) we are one, from Sudan( now two Sudans/South/North)  we are  one, from  the East  to  the West, from  the  North  to the South,  we are  one-one-one, we are one-one-one! the end.

That  was  in  primary  education(elementary)  in  1993 in  Kakuma,  kenya, and  I  was  8 yrs old  by  then.  An 8 years  old  boy  started   learning  everything   in  one term from  A-Z.  By  the end of the term,  he  was  promoted  to  a new level,  from  level1- 2 within shotest  period of time. Taught  to read  both  in  Didinga, Kiswahili, and  English   respectively. One  of  my  favorite  books  were; Mr.& Mrs. Kamau,  Read  with us, New  friend,  New adventure, and  Tom  and  Mary.  "Tom & Mary  are  going  to school,they  are carrying  a bean bag(s)"  that's    most  I  remember  good times back  in the days,  when  the earth  was  very   young. 

Already flu season

It is  flu  season,  protect  yourself,  get  a shot  in any  drug  store free or with  a  discount.  So  I  wish  you  the best.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


It is  week-end already, it  is  time  to  plan for  tomorrow. I  have a ton  of  assignments   to go through. No loitering  around till  everything  is  done.  I  will  set up  my  own  curfew.  It  works  best   that way if  you  know  that  you are on  a mission.  

Monday, September 5, 2011

A new feature that I tried wasn't good.

I  wanted to   update  my blog but   some features  that  I  tried  were  not  good. Anybody  can  help  suggest   good ones? please  let  me know.  thank  you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Fall semster

If  you  don't  see  me   frequently  here  on  my  blog,  please  don't  hesistate  to  e-mail  me.  I  just  started   the  Fall  Semester   yesterday   and  so far   everything  is  fine.   I  really   miss blogging  and   valuable readers  like  you.    I  hope  every one  of  you  is   doing  quite  well.  Thank  you.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Life  is all  about   you,  Life is  what you  make,Life  is so  delicate to some  of  us, life  is  too  short.  So, enjoy  yourself  in  wahtever  you are doing, aim  higher,  do  not  give  up  in  your  life, be a fighter, transformer, transform  yourself  from  a  raw material  to  finishing  goods( That's go back to school and get more  skills  if you want it). Enjoy  music  I posted and Peace be  you all. Thank you.

Michael Jackson - Thriller

chameleon-mama mia

Binti Kiziwi

Tina Ntinde by Lady Namu Mariam

Peter Andre - Mysterious Girl

Lenny & Kunguru-Baby Don Go

I am back!

Iam  going  to  post  African  music here and  please  enjoy  it!
Thank  you.

Lionel Richie - All Night Long

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I will be back soon..

I   will   be  right  back  to  share  with  you  over the weekend.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I  can't  believe  it is  almost  the  end of the   summer  session  and  the fall semester  is  just   around  the corner.   I hope  every  one   of  you   enjoy  summer.

Friday, July 22, 2011


This  tale  has  been  told  for centuries  in  Africa, Asia,  and Europe
                                                                                              -retold  by James  Baldwin.

Once   upon   a time  a  man   and  his   son    were  going  to  market, and they  were  leading  their   donkey  behind   them.   They    had  not  gone  far  when  they   met  a farmer,  who  said," You  are very  foolish  to walk  all the way  to  town  with that  lazy  donkey  following   behind you.  What  is  a donkey  good for, if not  to ride upon?"

      "Well,  I  never   thought  of  that," said  the  man, "and  I am  very  willing  to  please  you." So he  put  the boy  on  the  donkey, and   they  started  again on   their  journey.

         Soon  they  passed  some  men by  the roadside.  "See  that lazy boy," said one of  them. "He rides on  the donkey, and makes  his poor  old father  walk behind."

         When  the  man  heard this,  he called  to  the boy  and  said,"Stop  a minute!  Let  us  see  if   we  cannot  please this men." Then  he told  the boy  to get  off, and mounted  the donkey  himself.

          Two  women  next  met them,  and  one  said  to  the other, "Did  you ever  see  so  lazy a man?  He  rides  and  takes his ease, while  his  son  walk behind."

          The  did  not   know  what  to  do. "My son,"  he  said,  "I think  we  should   try   to  please everybody,  but  how  can  we please  the women  and the men at  the  same time?"  After a while  he thought of  a  plan.  He  took   the boy up  behind  him,  and  the  donkey  went jogging  along  with   both  of  them  on his  back.

            When,  at  last,  they  came  into  the  town,  a crowd  of  men began  to  jeer  and  point  at  them.  The  man  stopped  said, "What  is  the  matter, my   good friends?"

              "Matter enough!"  said  the men.  "You  ought  to  be ashamed  of   yourself  for being   so cruel  to  that  donkey.  It  is  too  much   for  so  small  an animal  to  carry   so  heavy  a load."
                "I  had  not  thought of  that," said the  man. "It  does  seem   hard  for  the donkey,  but  then  we   were  only  trying  to please  some  of  our  friends."  So  he  and his  son  got  off  and  tried  to  think what  to do next.

            They  thought   and  thought  till   at  last  a happy idea  came  into  their minds.  They  found a long  pole,  and  tied  the donkey's  feet  to  it.  Then   after  a great  deal  of  hard  work,  they  raised  the  pole  on  their  shoulders.  The  donkey   did  not   like  this, but   he  could  not  help himself.
            It  was   as much  as  the  man  and  the boy  could  do  to  carry  him.   But  they  up stood very straight, while all  the  people  laughed  at  the  funny  sight.  "I think   that we  are  pleasing   everybody  now,"  said  the  man.

        When  they  came  to market  Bridge,  the donkey  got  one  his  feet loose, and kicked out.  This  made   the boy  drop  his  end  of  the  pole.  The  donkey fell  on  the  bridge  and  rolled  over  into  the river and  was  drowned.

      "I think,  my  son,"  said the man, "that  we  may  learn  a   lesson from all this."  
        "What  kind of  a lesson, Father?"
         "Try  to  please everybody, and you will please nobody."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It is getting hot

Very  hot, very  humid  in  Syracus, central  New  York.  Please stay cool   the  heat   is  deadly.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Poetry By Karin Gottshall

More  lies

Sometimes  I  say I'm   going  to meet  my sister and  at the cafe-even though  I   have no sister-just  because  it 's  such  abeautitful  thing  to say. I  have  always thought   thought  so, ever since i read  a novel in  which two sisters were contantlty  meeting  in cafes.  Today, for  example, I  walked  alone  on  the wet sidewalk, wearing  my rain  boots,  expecting  someone  might  ask  where  I  headed.  I  bought  a steno  pad and a  watch  battery the  store windows fogged up.Rain  in  April  is  kind  of   promise, and  costs nothig.  I  carried  a bags of  books to the cafe  and ordered  tea.  I like  a place thats  lit by  lamps. I like a place where  you can  hear  people  talk about  small  things, Like the difference between  azure and cerulean,  and  the price  of  Tulips. It  is  going  down.I  watched  someone wo could be  my  sister  walk  in, shaking the rain from  her   hair. I  thought,  even now  florits  are  filing  their  coolers  with  Tulips, five dollars  a bundle.All  over  the  city  there are sisters.  Anyone  of  them  could  be  mine.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The joys of july 4th

Ok. Smile. Talk. participat.  This  is   the  joys  of   July  4th.   I   wish   you   and  your  family  a nice  gathering.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Who is in charge of you?

Technically, you  are  in charge  of  yourself.   You  have one body,  one  life,  and  use it  beautifully. Your  life can  never  be   depulicated.   So be  in charge, in control  of  yourself, and  make  something  of   yourself.  Enjoy   what  you  do  and  do  what  you do  right  without   hesitation.    I am  pleased   to  share  with  you  I  will  be   please  to  hear  from  you  as  well.  Take  care now.....please  appreciate  yourself  every  single....Because   You  are  in charge. You are  a  president,  commander in-chief  of  youself. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Are you Block?

Dear readers:
It  is  increasingly  difficult  to  access  to  my  blog  through   Internet  Explorer.  It  keeps  on   blocking  all  viewers. Please  let  me   know if  it  happens   to  you  too.    Thank  you.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

God Will see

Fannery O'Connor  wrote:"A work  of  art   is  good  in  self.  What  is  good   in  self   glorifies  God   because  it  reflects  God."  This  story   reminds  us  of  who  the  really  important  audience  is  as  we  go  about  our  daily   work.

Long  ago  in  the  ancient  Greece  an aged   sculptor  was   laboring   over   a block  of  stone. He  carved  with utmost  care, probing  the rock  with his   chisel,  chipping away  a fragment  at  a time,  gauging the  marks with  sinewy  hands  before  making  the  next cut.  When it  was  finished, the  piece would   be  hoisted  high  into   the  air  and  set  on  top  of  a towering   shaft,  and  so  would  become  the  capital,  or  uppermost  part,  of  a column.  And  the  column  would    help  support  the  roof  of  a  lofty  temple.
    "Why  spend   so  much  time  and  effort  on   that  section?"  asked  a  government  official  who  passed  by. " It  will   sit   fifty  feet  high. No human  eye  will   be  able   to  see  those details."
The old  artist  put  down   his  hammer  and  chisel,  gazed steadily  at his  questioner,  and  replied: "But  God  will  see it!"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

There you are

You never  know  how  important  you are,  you never  know how sprecious  life  you have, you have  to take a moment and  appreciate  your life. LIFE is sometthing  very  delicate. Enjoy  yourself  before  you  leave. There  is  no  question  about  it, there is always  the begining  and the End. The begining......process of   being born...And the ending  is  death.  You  born by  a chance  and  to  die  is  a must.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I tried to put  my  ribs in the bed to rest my brain easily  I can't sleep. I  keep on  staring  at  the object ...keenly  I  was looking  for something  I know.WHat a.....?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Working late

Iam  so exhausted. I just have  to  rest my  brain. I have  finished  my  reading  assignment  for  tomorrow. I have to  work  hard  for  this  class  to pass. There  is  nothing  I can  do  but  to put more efforts  in  this  English  class  to make  something  out  of it, to make something  of  myself, something  that worth of  doing. May God  bless the work  of  my  hand, shower  the  blessings  upon me, motivate me, energize me with  kinetic energy, so  I can conquor and  overcome the satanic Temptation( Ill thinking, procastination) .

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I was sick

I am  back  in  a good  spirit ready  to resume  my   work.  I  was  sick   and I was  unable  to  do  anything.  Just  had  a headache  that  crippled  whole  of  my  body.  And  to  make  the  matter  worse, I  refused  to  take  some pills  and  lets  the  nature take its  cour es.   I  just    didn't  want to   take drugs  if  I  have  minor  headache for the sake of  my own   health. The  drugs  are addictive. The  more  you  take, the  more  you want, and  too much  of  anything  is  poisonous.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hearts, like doors, will  open  with ease
To very, very little keys,
And  don't   forget  that  two of these
Are  "I thank  you" and "If you please".author~ unknown

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hi there!

Iam  so busy, so busy,  so  invisible.  I  will  be there soon. I  will  be visible  to  you  perhaps by  tomorrow. thank  you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I  just  woke up  and  ready  to  go to  work.   I  worked  night shift  for  almost  6  years    and  used  to  it now.   Sleeping  during   the day is  quite  difference  story. It  changed  my   biological  clock dramatically.   I am   hoping   to  change  my  shift  soon  so  that  it  can  suite  my  interest. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just created a blog today.

Dear  readers, I am  pleased  to    have  you   reading  my  blog   and  share  with   you.   I am  a new  blogger, inexprience blogger, and  I  will  gain  momentum  as  we  blog  on.  Teach  me  what  you  got, what  you  know  of  yourself  as  an   exprience  blogger,   so  that  I  may  learn  from  you.  I am  very  polite  person, open-minded, always  learning,   and  anxious  to engage in a friendly  manner  with awesome  people  like  you. 

I  will   respect  your  input and  value  your  advice and  no room for  bad  comments on  my  future  blogging  and  I greatly   respect you  dear. Thank  you  for  your  interest and  share  this   with  your  friends  and  I   will  get  to  you  latter.

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