Saturday, October 15, 2011

What do you do on the weekend?

Well,  some  of   us  are  ever  busy   trying  to   make  ends   meet.  I,  myself,  was  working  today   and  I am  now  tired  as  hell.  I  am  now  going  to  bed   and   I  wish   you  all   a  blessed  weekend. Sorry.  I  will  write   more  latter. I  can't   see  the  screen  well, though, my eyes  are too  exhausted  I felt it, I   can  only  see   your  smile  crlearly.
Thanks  for  smilling,  though.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What do you think?

Do  you     live  to work  or  you work  to live?

Fortunato: Hi, there!

Hi, there!

I  sincerely  believe  that  you  had a marvelous day  at work this  morning.  It's  always  best  thing  to  start a day  with   a positive attitude,  a positive- mental  a ttitude   will  boost  your  energy.  Be civil  to everyone.   Smile  to the world,   be couageous, take control  of  your live, no one  is ontop  of you, it's  just you,  you and yourself.

Follow  your  passion  and  persue  your deams. Play  the game,  be agamechanger, transform  yourself  into something  useful, and  do  something  of  yourself.  Why not?   you  can  even   congratulate yourself,  kiss  your own self,  love  your own self, celebrate your self's  achievement  in  your  own  term.   "Love  your neighbor  as  you  love  yourself", is  the bible  verses about  loving  yourself.  That's  true  to the  text,  the bible  tell  me so...

So  then, I rest here.... let  me know   what  you  think   we   share  please.

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